WHAT IF Faith-inspired generosity COULD CATALYZE large-scale
Flourish Fund was founded on a simple premise—empowering faith-motivated givers to steward their generosity towards strategies that result in measurable outcomes for human flourishing.
We envision generous people coming together to bring large-scale capital toward strategies that move the needle on issues that matter to the heart of God.
When this happens, we imagine meeting the needs of the most vulnerable, strengthening the Body of Christ, and enabling more communities and institutions to thrive.

Flourish Fund exists to catalyze large-scale social innovation for human flourishing.
What are Flourish Initiatives?
Flourish Fund Initiatives are data-driven strategies, activated by generous givers, that support collaborative ecosystems of social innovators. While each initiative is unique in scale and solution, Flourish Initiatives share key commonalities:
The Flourish Fund
model in action.